Nuestro Colegio

It is a governing body composed of nine active parents who must be elected by the General Assembly of Colegio Granadino for three-year terms. Its functions are as follows:


  • Exercise administrative leadership of the school.
  • Take necessary measures to ensure the school achieves its objectives and to promptly implement decisions and resolutions of the Parent Assembly.
  • Adopt projects for amendments to the Association’s organic statutes and present them for consideration by the Parent Assembly.
  • Create positions of leadership deemed necessary for the effective administration of the Association and its dependencies or businesses and establish their responsibilities and assignments.
  • Establish school policies.
  • Approve regulations, plans, and educational programs to be followed in the school.
  • Approve inventories, balance sheets, and general accounts.
  • Approve the annual budget proposal to be presented to the Parent Assembly.
  • Approve any necessary budget transfers.

Jorge Hernán López

Lorenzo Salazar

Miguel Hernando Villegas

María Mercedes Londoño

Manuela Uribe Llano

Daniela Zuluaga Gaviria

Santiago Isaza

Martha Patricia Castellanos

Irene Echeverri

Ana Maria Giraldo Gómez

It is an administrative body composed of nine active parents who must be elected by the General Assembly of Colegio Granadino for three-year terms. Its functions are as follows:

  • Ensure compliance with the Institutional Educational Project, the Coexistence Manual, and the school’s regulations.
  • Guarantee that the school’s learning environment, curriculum, teaching methods, physical infrastructure, pedagogical and financial resources align with the mission, vision, beliefs, and action plans.
  • Facilitate the process of improvement and change in the school and identify aspects for study groups’ analysis, which the Principal will present to the Board of Directors.
  • Evaluate and recommend changes in the community development process.
  • Facilitate the review process of the school’s mission, vision, and beliefs with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  • Approve the school calendar and schedule.
  • Review and ratify educational costs approved by the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.
  • Approve lists of supplies and materials for each grade.
  • Participate in the development and modifications of the School Coexistence Manual.
  • articipate in the execution, evaluation, and proposed modifications to the Institutional Educational Project.
  • Make other decisions within its jurisdiction, except those within the competence of another school governance body.
  • Serve as a body to resolve appeals in disciplinary processes carried out by the school.

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