Nuestro Colegio

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Primary is made up of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th levels

Currently, the section is growing. The younger grades already have three classrooms/groups per level (A, B, C). The average of these groups is 22 students. In the older grades, we have two classrooms/groups per level (A, B). These groups have an average of 25 students. Soon, we will have three groups at each level with an average of 22 students per classroom.

The section has Colombian and foreign teachers. It is the section with the most foreign teachers to promote students’ English. Classes from 1st to 3rd have a regular teacher and a bilingual assistant in each classroom. The 4th and 5th grade classrooms have a regular teacher. It has 3 Spanish teachers and one teacher for each of the following special areas:
Colombian Studies – Physical Education (PE) Art (Art) – Music (Music) – Information and Communication Technology – -ICT) – Religion/ethics/values ​​(Religion, Ethics, and Values–REV). 

All our teachers have university degrees and a significant number have master’s degrees.


  • Primary hours are from 8:00am to 3:15pm. Classes are organized into six 50-minute blocks and one 25-minute block, time for Morning Meeting, Closing Meeting, and of course, rest time, recess, snack, and lunch.
  • Teachers have hours from 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Thursday and 7:30am to 3:30pm on Fridays.
  • Our teachers work hard inside and outside the classroom, when they are not with students, they are planning, or analyzing students’ work to respond to their needs, or meeting with each other in various teams and committees, or learning in training sessions. professional development, or assisting parents.


8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.


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Si no has resgistrado tu cédula, debes escribir al correo prestrepo@granadino.local para que realice tu inscripción y puedas acceder a la red de negocios.