Nuestro Colegio



What is a curriculum?

The curriculum refers to the instruction and academic content taught in a specific institution, course, or program. It pertains to the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn, as determined by national and international standards defined by the institution. Our institution aims for a standards-based curriculum.

What is a Standard-Based Curriculum?

The overall goal of standards-based learning is to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and skills deemed essential for success in their school life, higher education, and subsequently their professional life.

Colegio Granadino employs standards-based approaches, which are concise descriptions of what students are expected to know, understand, and be able to transfer at a specific stage of their education. These standards determine the objectives of a lesson or course.

Our standards-based curriculum encompasses knowledge and a set of competencies that form the foundation for a quality education. It defines what students should know, understand, and be able to do, including the accompanying instructional content. In a standards-based curriculum, assessment is considered not only as a final product (summative) but as a continuous process (formative) that provides performance data regarding students’ progress toward achieving the standards.

The standards-based curriculum is part of a broader system that includes three essential components. These components work together to maximize student learning.

Written curriculum

The curriculum refers to the instruction and academic content taught in a specific institution, course, or program. It pertains to the knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn, as determined by national and international standards defined by the institution. Our institution aims for a standards-based curriculum or Standard-Based Curriculum.


This is the process of implementing the curriculum or standards, and it includes all resources such as textbooks, platforms, technological resources, and manipulatives used in our institution, as well as the strategies and methods used to support the teaching and learning process for all students.


The approach to assessment at Colegio Granadino is to transform 21st-century standards and skills into a coherent curriculum and assessment system that emphasizes deep learning and long-term transfer.

In an era of globalization and constant changes in our society, Colegio Granadino maintains that, to remain relevant, education should not only focus on the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills but should also emphasize the application and transfer of learning.

Colegio Granadino seeks a comprehensive education that values the arts, humanities, health, well-being, and responsible citizenship. We advocate for an education that prepares students for success in their university and subsequent professional lives. We prepare future citizens who can navigate effectively through a variety of new challenges and opportunities—responsible citizens, critical thinkers, and creative individuals forging a better future for the generations to come.

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