The Sports School program is the ideal complement to the weekly sports training program, as it offers each student the possibility of delving deeper into the sport of their preference.
All this without forgetting the formative nature and the safe environment where boys and girls can carry out learning, foundation and all the improvement of the basic skills required to function easily in the sports environment.
Sports training is the continuous work processes that aim to develop and strengthen the different physical abilities of our students.
These processes begin from the 2nd grade of elementary school and go until 12th grade in secondary school, during which time our teams participate in different tournaments representing Colegio Granadino and putting into practice what they have learned throughout their training process.
Training takes place between Monday and Thursday and offers the opportunity to practice two different sporting activities.
Binationals are sports competitions that are held annually between the different teams of the Middle and High School sections of the ACCAS schools, which seek to promote and encourage the practice of sports, community integration, the comprehensive training of students, and healthy competition.
The Coffee Axis Games are the version of the binational games for the primary section that are held in conjunction with the GI School of Armenia, Liceo Inglés de Pereira, Liceo Francés de Pereira and Colegio Granadino. This space serves both to strengthen the sports and social skills that have been worked on with the students and to strengthen the emotional ties between the families of the students who are part of the sports competitions.
These Games are held four times a year, with each participating school responsible for organizing a stop at its sports facilities and thus receiving the other visiting schools.