Nuestro Colegio

Law 2025 of 2020 establishes guidelines for the implementation of schools for parents and caregivers in educational institutions, with the aim of promoting participation in the comprehensive training: academic, social, values ​​and principles of students

The Growing together program was born with the objective of accompanying and guiding fathers and mothers in the process of raising, developing and learning their children.

Counseling and learning support plan and develop annual workshops and talks with the aim of providing updated information and practical tools that allow parents to address the challenges of parenting and the growth process of their children.

The support team invites you to join and see us as allies on this path full of challenges and joys that will strengthen our Granada family, while we grow, build our best version and create memories of an unforgettable stage.


Para ingresar a la Red de Negocios y al Directorio de Negocios debes escribir tu código de familia.

Si no has resgistrado tu cédula, debes escribir al correo para que realice tu inscripción y puedas acceder a la red de negocios.