Nuestro Colegio



The process begins with a visit by a prospective family to the Institution. This visit is scheduled through the Admissions Office by invitation, through referred families or by direct request of the family itself.

The Admissions Office Coordinator will attend these visits and provide the applicant family with the necessary information about the philosophy, mission, vision, beliefs, organization, structure, programs and policies of the Asociación Colegio Granadino.

Once the family's interest in starting the admission process has been confirmed, the Admissions Office Coordinator will deliver the application package for the admission process, which consists of the documents listed in the “List of Documents for Admissions” format.

The Counselor of the corresponding section will be in charge of scheduling the interview with the family and the evaluation of the student.

The first consideration for admission is the availability of space in order to ensure the quality of bilingual education and individualized attention to each student.

For grades that have two groups per level, 25 students are assigned to each group according to COGNIA requirements, with the possibility of increasing the number up to 26 students, as long as candidate #26 meets any of the eligibility criteria for a “special case”.

Those grades that have three (3) groups per level between K3 to 12th, 21 students are assigned to each group with the possibility of increasing the number up to 22 students (as long as applicants #21 and #22 meet the criteria for “special case “). K1 groups will have a maximum of 16 children per classroom and K2 groups will have a maximum of 18 children per classroom.

After the entire evaluation process has been completed, the Admissions Office will inform the family by email about the result of the admission process.

The applicant must comply with all the steps of the admissions procedure, as well as submit all the documents requested in the process, duly completed. The admission process will not begin until all required documents have been received.

The response regarding acceptance or not to applicants will be given within a period of 30 days, counted from the moment the required documentation is received in full.

The School is not obligated to accept the applicant by receiving the application for admission or carrying out the subsequent evaluation process.

If you wish to arrange an interview, please contact the Admissions Office – Tel: 3104644662.

Application formats

Para ingresar a la Red de Negocios y al Directorio de Negocios debes escribir tu código de familia.

Si no has resgistrado tu cédula, debes escribir al correo prestrepo@granadino.local para que realice tu inscripción y puedas acceder a la red de negocios.