Nuestro Colegio

It is the highest collegiate body of students, which ensures and guarantees the continuous exercise of participation by students, to achieve the objectives proposed in the Institutional Educational Project. It is made up of one student representative from each classroom from sixth to twelve in high school and two representatives per classroom from third to fifth grade in primary school. Its functions are the following:

Actively participate in the School's curricular and extracurricular programs and projects

Represent students before the Board of Directors of Colegio Granadino.

Present your concerns and proposals for institutional or programmatic improvement to the Administration or School Management.

Develop initiatives for the benefit of the school community in general and students in particular.

Listen to those students who present initiatives on the development and improvement of student life and give them a course in the corresponding instance, when feasible.

Manuel Aristizábal Gómez
President of STUCO

Tomás Jiménez Duque
Vice President of STUCO

Aura Valentina Naranjo

Para ingresar a la Red de Negocios y al Directorio de Negocios debes escribir tu código de familia.

Si no has resgistrado tu cédula, debes escribir al correo prestrepo@granadino.local para que realice tu inscripción y puedas acceder a la red de negocios.