Nuestro Colegio

It is the committee in charge of supporting the work of promoting and monitoring school coexistence, education for the exercise of human, sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the development and application of the Coexistence Manual and the prevention and mitigation of violence. school. It is made up of and has the following functions:


Identify, document, analyze and resolve, within their competence, conflicts that arise between teachers and students, managers and students, between students and between teachers.


Lead actions in the School that promote coexistence, the construction of citizenship, the exercise of human, sexual and reproductive rights and the prevention and mitigation of school violence among members of the educational community.


Promote the connection of the School to strategies, programs and activities of coexistence and construction of citizenship that are advanced in the region and that respond to the needs of its educational community.


Convene, when pertinent and appropriate, a conciliation space for the resolution of conflictive situations that affect school coexistence, at the request of any of the members of the educational community or ex officio when deemed appropriate.


Lead the development of strategies and instruments aimed at promoting and evaluating school coexistence and the exercise of human, sexual and reproductive rights.


Monitor compliance with the provisions established in the coexistence manual, and present reports to the respective instance that is part of the structure of the National System of School Coexistence and Training for Human Rights, Sexuality Education and Prevention and Mitigation of School Violence, of the cases or situations known to the Committee.


Propose, analyze and enable pedagogical strategies that allow the flexibility of the pedagogical model and the articulation of different areas of study that read the educational context and its relevance in the community to determine more and better ways of relating in the construction of citizenship.


Activate the Comprehensive Care Route for School Coexistence defined in article 29 of Law 1620 of 2013, in the face of specific situations of conflict, bullying, high-risk behavior of school violence or violation of sexual and sexual rights. reproductive issues that cannot be resolved by this committee in accordance with the provisions of the coexistence manual, because they transcend the school environment, and have the characteristics of the commission of punishable conduct, which is why they must be attended to by other instances or authorities. that are part of the structure of the System and the Route.


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