Student Representative

Beatriz Mazeneth
he primary function of the Student Representative is to promote the exercise of the rights and duties of students in accordance with the Political Constitution of Colombia, the laws, regulations and the School’s Coexistence Manual. Its functions are the following:
- Promote compliance with the rights and duties of students, for which you may use the school’s internal communication media, request the collaboration of the Student Council, organize forums or other forms of deliberation.
- Receive and evaluate complaints and claims presented by students regarding threats or violations of their rights and those made by any community personnel regarding non-compliance with the students’ obligations.
- Submit to the Rector, according to his or her powers, the requests that he or she considers necessary to protect the rights of students and facilitate the fulfillment of their duties.
- When considered necessary, appeal to the Board of Directors or the body that acts in its place, the decisions of the Rector regarding the petitions presented through him.
- Participate in the School Coexistence Committee.