Nuestro Colegio

Upon completing their studies, both in the Colombian baccalaureate and the American High School, a student from Colegio Granadino will be characterized by:

  • Having a solid integral, ethical, and academic education that enables successful entry into university and satisfactory performance therein.
  • Being bilingual (Spanish – English) to be competitive in a globalized world.
  • Being honest, balanced, and responsible towards oneself, family, community, and the environment.
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle.
  • Leading and being part of the solution to their own problems and those of the community in which they live, seeking social benefit above individual interests.
  • Analyzing and questioning reality to propose alternatives for improvement and/or change in personal or community life.

A student from Colegio Granadino is characterized by:

  • Being a person who respects human rights and values interpersonal relationships.
  • Being a person committed to their responsibilities, striving to improve each day to develop their maximum potential.
  • Being a person committed to their values-based education, practicing these values in their daily life.
  • Being a person who values and takes advantage of all opportunities provided by the school and family for their human and academic growth.

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