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Get to know our Preschool

The Granadino School Preschool is a magical place where a story is told every day and the characters are happy children who learn by playing. They are accompanied every day by wonderful people who are more than teachers, they are unique and truly special beings who seek the best for each one of them, and thanks to their knowledge and creative and spectacular experiences, they help their comprehensive training; so we offer quality learning not only academically but where the emotional takes precedence. With many provocations we seek to know the interests of each group and come up with a project, which ends up being a never-ending story, where its end is always a creation, because as a Preschool we not only want them to learn about interesting topics, but also to That they learn and investigate, they can create new things, experiment and have fun. And this is where listening plays a fundamental role, since it is the way to learn to recognize the 100 languages ​​and the infinite forms of thought and action of children.

It is a bilingual place where we give them the possibility of living and feeling each stage they go through, but we also know that cognitive development is essential, which is why we work in light of a curriculum that is designed and designed to guarantee significant learning. At all times and as a fundamental axis, the values ​​of the school accompany us, and here we live them as super powers that are accompanied by layers of colors. It is the section where the first separation of parents and children occurs, but thanks to our respectful bonding we achieve successful adaptation processes. There are many elements that accompany this wonderful place that makes us unique in our city, but the most important are:

We are inspired by the Philosophy of REGGIO EMILIA.

The philosophy that inspires our preschool is recommended by the European Union and Harvard University and recognized by UNESCO as the best preschool pedagogy in the world. It is also known as the “pedagogy of wonder,” which transforms the sense of education to fully develop the potential of boys and girls and their multiple ways of being and expressing themselves.

In this philosophy, children are the protagonists, spending their time playing, exploring, observing, analyzing, creating, experimenting, interacting with others, the environment, and materials to achieve meaningful learning. Emotion and wonder are indispensable ingredients in each proposed experience, as they are essential for learning.

It is a life philosophy because it promotes values, emotions, attitudes, and social skills. The central axis is the Atelier, and we have an atelier that meets all expectations, not only fostering artistic aspects but also promoting experimentation, research, creativity, and the manipulation of different materials. This is where recycling and reuse materials play a crucial role. 

The image of the child

The image of the child

Its central axis is the Atelier, and we have an atelier that meets all expectations and that develops not only the artistic part but also encourages experimentation, research, creativity and the manipulation of different materials. It is in this place where recycling and reuse of material plays a very important role.

The projects

The projects

Project work where children learn by doing and participation is promoted (children, educators, family and community). Processes and skills are developed and strengthened with topics of interest to children and relevant to their lives and different types of learning are taken into account.

The environment

The environment

The environment is the third educator and is the learning scenario, through which we seek to develop imagination , research, reflection and creativity; and is responsible for supporting the work and interests of the children without the need for guidance and intervention. The environment must be open, welcoming and stimulating, where security, socialization and well-being prevail and that allows the development of the dimensions.

The 100 Languages

The 100 Languages

The main means of communication for adults is verbal language, but children have more ways of communicating, and all of them are heard by teachers.

The Role of the Teacher

The Role of the Teacher

They play the fundamental role of listening to the child, letting the child take the initiative and also guiding him or her in a productive way.

The Role of the Family

The Role of the Family

Parents, the people who love their children the most, actively participate in their development in Preschool, as an opportunity to grow in their role as parents and promote the emotional well-being of their children.

The values

The values

Love, respect, tolerance, friendship, sharing, listening, joy, commitment, dialogue, responsibility, are values ​​​​that are born in the hearts of children and germinate in the construction of their interpersonal relationships.



It is the way for learning, the expression of feelings, emotions and thoughts, the formation of habits and values, socialization and creativity; It is the means for the exploration of talents and the maximum experience that forms a person in their relationship with others.

The documentation

The documentation

Its purpose is to leave a trace of the 100 languages ​​​​of children. It consists of recording and making visible the thoughts, creations, works of the child, and it is the evidence of what they are learning, achieving, creating and how the work is being carried out. 



They are experiences created by the teacher that invite the child to explore, learn, discover, as well as help the adults to identify individual and group interests.

de sus hijos.

The Atelier

The Atelier

The Atelier is the center of Reggio Emilia. It is a dynamic and very lively space, where children have the opportunity to create, express, investigate, ask questions and experiment in a free, independent and at the same time cooperative way.

We expose children to a BILINGUAL environment.

We are a bilingual school, and as its name suggests, we give importance to both Spanish and English, since our goal is for children to be enriched in both languages. We greatly favor the mother tongue since we consider that having a solid foundation in Spanish will help the process of acquiring English as a second language to be more fluid, since “children have the ability to learn languages ​​more easily because the The plasticity of their brains is developing, which allows them to use both hemispheres in language acquisition; Therefore learning a second language in childhood can help achieve a holistic understanding of its social and emotional contexts (from Ted Ed). In our section we carry out learning English in a pleasant and fun way.

From K1 to K3 we carry out activities that promote the creation of the foundations of solid phonological awareness that will help later in the second language acquisition process, some of them are: songs, rhymes, read aloud, sensory experiences, commands, etc.

In K4 there is greater immersion with a completely bilingual assistant teacher who speaks to them all the time in English, this in order to continue working on the comprehensive and expressive part and officially begins the process of phonological awareness in both languages.
At this level we also work through games, songs, rhymes, read aloud, and an approach to basic concepts of writing and the acquisition of new vocabulary is made.

In K5 both teachers are bilingual and at this level we base the learning of the second language on phonics, writing, reading, from UNIT OF STUDY by Lucy Calkins from NY Teachers College. In addition, science and mathematics classes are in this language, in order to expose children to a totally bilingual environment, where we guarantee vocabulary acquisition through different activities that include games, songs, rhymes, read aloud, etc They also have Spanish classes where the formal reading and writing process is based on the development of phonological awareness and multiple strategies are used based on the Unit of Study program.

“Train bilingual, responsible and ethical leaders, critical and creative thinkers who make a difference.”

We carry out these routines from K1 to K5 in order to benefit children:

  • That they can solve problems and make decisions effectively.
  • That they have critical judgment and creative thinking.
  • Let them learn to gather information.
  • Let them apply the knowledge learned in daily life.
  • That they be able to evaluate and use the information they receive.
  • That they respect the point of view of others but that they be clear about what their point of view is.
  • That they can compare, do analysis and synthesis.

We promote learning through CORNERS (play spaces).

Some benefits are:

  • Develop Autonomy, responsibility (with work, material and with other friends), respect for turns, self-control, frustration, sharing, socialization, problem solving, decision-making capacity.
  • Promote sensory perception, fine motor skills, attention and memory.
  • That the teacher can show children’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Develop all dimensions through play and through meaningful learning.
  • Motivate research.
  • Help the child become aware of their progress.
  • Encourage creativity and imagination.
  • Allow and cover differences, interests and learning rates.
  • Teach something new or develop a skill with fewer children.

Our corners:

  • COGNITIVE: Pre-mathematics activities, concepts, language, perception, thinking are worked on.
  • ROLES: Activities of assuming roles or actions of daily life are promoted, it is one of the most important corners because it involves everything (motor, cognitive, emotional, language, etc.).
  • OF TRACE OR CREATION: The aim is to develop manual skills and abilities, creativity and imagination. Different materials are used (sheets, sandpaper, vinyl, aluminum foil, floor, wood, etc.), positions (lying face down, face up, sitting in a chair, on balls, kneeling, curled up) and tools (brushes, colors, chalks, brushes, pencils, stylus, markers, crayons, etc.). This also includes activities that promote the reading-writing process and the body schema process.
  • FINE MOTOR SKILLS: This corner seeks to develop motor skills, coordination and promote the dissociation of hands, wrist, elbow and shoulders.

We have a CURRICULUM that is fully aligned from K1 to 12

Based on developing skills, since it is key that children receive comprehensive care that satisfies not only their physical and emotional needs but also those related to learning and the development of skills (doing and being). Three basic competencies:

  1. Building yourself
  2. The construction of the world as reality.
  3. The formation of the mathematical-scientific spirit

We encourage a LOVE of reading and writing from a young age.

Reading from a young age has multiple benefits and these are reflected when studying and acquiring knowledge, that is why it is the job of parents and educators to invite them to discover and read everything that is around them, they read images, people, situations, books, stories, signs, etc. and stories and everyday situations are told. Reading should be a habit that is created from a young age and should be promoted at all times.

  • Improves the bond between parents and children, siblings and friends.
  • Strengthens memory, understanding and the ability to abstract.
  • Expand vocabulary and improve language.
  • Develops creativity, imagination and the capacity for wonder.
  • You learn new things.
  • Promotes thinking, reflecting, predicting, comparing, imitating.
  • Promotes concentration and mental agility.
  • Develop listening habits and respect for turns


At Granadino Preschool, we consider positive discipline a lifestyle that guides our approach to raising, shaping, and educating our boys and girls assertively and effectively. Recognizing the growing importance of soft skills in human development, we integrate this discipline holistically into our educational approach, aiming for the development of their socio-emotional skills. We prioritize creating an environment where respect, empathy, kindness, and firmness are the pillars of every interaction. In our setting, every mistake is viewed as a learning opportunity, and we believe in the power of repair, mutual respect, problem-solving, and social responsibility to foster a sense of belonging in our students.

The levels are distributed as follows:


1 to 2 years


2 to 3 years


3 to 4 years


4 to 5 years


5 to 6 years


  • Full time: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Includes Snack and Lunch)
  • Part time: 8:00 am to 11:30 am (Includes Snack) (Only applies to Kinder I and Kinder II) (there is no route service for 11:30)
  • Daycare Service: from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Games and activities are carried out with garden staff.
  • K4 – K5 : from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Stimulation Program

According to James Heckman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics, children are born with similar abilities and the quality of intervention in the early years discriminates against them and creates gaps that remain throughout the rest of life Furthermore, in the first years the architecture of the brain is built that will accompany us throughout our lives and that is why it is said that early childhood is the most important stage in the development of the human being, since more people develop. skills in the early years than in the rest of life (crawling, walking, talking, socializing, adapting).

Therefore, an enriched environment must be promoted where: Social interaction, physical activity, the senses, novel experiences, play, among others, are taken into account, and all these aspects are taken into account in our stimulation program. It is also articulated with the Reggio Emilia philosophy, where children through play, art, music and socialization will happily discover and enhance their talents, and develop autonomy, creativity, exploration of their environment and the construction of their own learning, respecting their unique and natural process.

Our purpose

Our purpose

  • Provide children with multisensory stimuli that not only mature them on a neurological level but also allow them to improve their emotional bond with their family and the environment that surrounds them.
  • Generate novel experiences.
  • Give dad, mom and/or caregivers some learning time to put into practice at home with the children.
  • Promote adequate development. Give them valuable information about the stage they are in.
  • Connect families with the Reggio Emilia environment and give them the opportunity to interact in the different spaces of the garden such as the ATELIER, the square, the gym, the park and the other workshops.
  • Involve them in all the activities we organize in the garden: Children’s Day, Halloween, Family Day, Granada Festival, educational workshops, among others.
  • But above all, MAKE CHILDREN HAPPY.
Our Proposal

Our Proposal

  • Children aged from three to twenty-four months (3-24) participate. They must have their vaccination schedule up to date.
  • It consists of a greeting, 2 activities and a farewell. Types of activities (music, gross motor skills, language, atelier, cognitive, sensory, fine motor skills, story)
  • We work by projects (a different project each month)
  • Varied activities are guaranteed according to the ages of the children.
  • The activities are developed and accompanied by the preschool staff.
  • They take place once a week (on Thursdays) at the following times:
    • Children from 3 to 12 months 2:15 to 3:15 pm
    • Children from 13 to 24 months: from 3:30 to 4:30 pm

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