Nuestro Colegio

Effective Parents with Systematic Training (PECES) is an education program for parents who seek to provide practical and assertive tools to have respectful and effective parenting with their children.

Parents need training that allows them not only to know the development and expected behaviors of their children depending on the stage, but also to know how to accompany them in the process of social, emotional and behavioral growth.

In the past it was thought that parental care was only physical and biological, however, society through changes requires new skills and knowledge to educate and raise children and adolescents prepared for the challenges of today’s world.

Traditional methods are being reevaluated for having little effectiveness and not generating long-term learning and skills and it is time to change these paradigms and prepare to provide respectful parenting that generates skills in children and adolescents that allow them to face the challenges of the actual society.

The PECES program is developed through 8 group sessions where parenting topics are developed with a manual that provides information and practical strategies to have a better

communication and relationship with your children and prepares them to understand the objectives and motivations of their behavior.

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