The Project is designed to be implemented from grades 6 to 12 and has the following objectives:
- Promote the development of social-emotional skills in students.
- Promote the construction of positive relationships with oneself and the environment.
- Contribute to a comprehensive education that promotes autonomy and social responsibility.
- Promote healthy, inclusive spaces free of violence.
- Contribute to the scope of the institution’s mission.
These objectives are intended to be achieved through the design of experiential activities proposed in three phases: Individual, Group and a final reflection.
The project is centered on the student who, through active participation, develops the proposed skills; The role of the teacher is to guide the activities, assuming a posture of active, respectful, empathetic and open listening, additionally seeking to captivate both students and teachers so that both achieve a better version of themselves at the end of the year.
The methodology allows teachers to identify and refer to counseling those students who require follow-up.