Nuestro Colegio

The Granadino School believes that its students should:

  1. Demonstrate high proficiency in English and Spanish.
  2. Excel academically through a robust curriculum that emphasizes knowledge and skills.
  3. Integrate their spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and psychological education.
  4. Be academically prepared to succeed at the university level, both in Colombian and international universities.
  5. Implement critical thinking skills and demonstrate initiative and creativity to face individual and global situations.
  6. Develop research skills using a variety of scientific methods.
  7. Use technology to engage efficiently in a changing world.
  8. Promote the basic principles of democracy, solidarity, and social justice.
  9. Appreciate cultural differences and develop tolerance and respect for others.
  10. Develop a comprehensive and global perspective.
  11. Be good citizens contributing to society.
  12. Develop moral and ethical principles that enable responsible and effective decision-making.
  13. Understand, respect, and preserve the environment.
  14. Develop creative potential, explore learning styles, and grow as productive individuals.
  15. Grow in a safe environment that promotes a strong self-esteem.
  16. Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to become active and healthy adults, and to choose a positive lifestyle.
  17. Become lifelong learners with a desire for continuous improvement.

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