Nuestro Colegio

Colegio Granadino, through its counseling department, provides individualized advice to students from K1 to grade 12. They receive meticulous monitoring of their adaptive and emotional processes, guaranteeing adequate comprehensive development. The main objective of counseling is aimed at accompanying students in their emotional and social well-being, leading the different programs, projects and activities of the school which are aimed at promoting said well-being.

Our counseling department offers advice, attention and timely support to all students who require it and their families, accompanying them in their adaptation, socialization and development processes during their school life. Likewise, it develops and executes prevention programs in the different areas that concern their socio-emotional development.

Carrying out workshops and training activities for teachers and parents on topics of interest according to the age and life cycle of the students is another important task carried out by the counseling department, as well as accompaniment to disciplinary processes and training of students, being guarantors of their rights.

The counseling department always works as a team, school-home, accompanying students to overcome the obstacles that arise throughout their school life, contributing to the development of coping strategies and life skills.

Sara Herrera
Consejera Preescolar

Paula Lorena González
Consejera 1° y 2°

Liliana Aristizábal
Consejera 3° y 5°

Lorena Henao Jimenez
Orientadora Middle School

Mateo Duque Pérez
Consejero Middle School

María del Rosario Mejía
Consejera High School

Lina González
Orientación Vocacional

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